Monday, May 20, 2013

New addition to our product range - travel packs

We are so excited about the newest addition to our product range. 

At last we are going to be able to provide you with your favourite products in a convenient travel pack.

Designed especially for people on the go, these packs are ideal for your gym bag, perfect for a weekend away, a short holiday, or simply for trialing our products.

Coming in soon normal, combination, dry and acne prone skin types as standard, these packs contain:
  • 50ml Cleansing Gel (paraben and phosphate free)
  • 50ml Organic Soothing Toning Mist
  • 50g organic Natasha James Facial Scrub/masque
  • 50g organic Natasha James Moisturising Crรจme

These packs will be priced at $60.00. Keep your eyes on our website for the launch. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Re-launch Competition Winners

Congratulations to the three lucky winners of our re-launch competition!

Dawn Morgan
Carol Kingsley
Tamara Brown

Your gifts are on their way.

Enjoy with our love. xx

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Natasha James – Face Oils

Our face oils are a delicious blend of pure plant oils packed with antioxidants, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals which are vital ingredients for healthy and beautiful looking skin.

Our face oils are a must for any skin type and we have formulated blends accordingly. They have a wonderful balancing effect on sebum production so oily skin will not become oilier and skin will never look shiny or become clogged. It’s actually the opposite. After a short period of regular use your skin will be radiant and feel extremely soft and smooth.

We also have specialty oils for specific conditions such as rosacea, scars and cleansing oils for those with acne and prefer to cleanse with an oil during typical breakout times.

And last but not least in addition to the Soothing Eye Gel, we now have a luxurious Eye Oil…. For deep moisturising and soothing the delicate eye area.   

Saturday, May 4, 2013

How to use face oils

As our regular followers will have noted, we have just launched our face oils, and we are really excited about these. They have made a real difference to our skin – to the point where friends and family are noticing, and asking what we are doing differently!

There are many different ways to use face oils. To date, we have been using ours as a kind of booster or serum, under our moisturiser. We would recommend, for newcomers to face oils, that you use them in this way, after your scrub & mask once or twice a week. So, your routine would be: cleanse, scrub/mask, tone, face oil, moisturise. Ensure that you give yourself a fabulous face massage whilst applying your oil. This helps the oil be absorbed into the skin more quickly and deeply. If you are happy with the results you are getting from your oil, you can start adding in more often, perhaps every night, after toning, and before your moisturiser. Erin has got to the point where she is using hers twice daily, morning and night – see information about this in our blog post on combination skin face oils.

There is a huge amount of information on the internet about the benefits & uses of face oils. We will be adding more in the future, but for now, enjoy your experimentation!

As ever, let us know if you would like to hear more on this topic, or if there are different subjects that you would like us to add to our blog.

More soon, Erin and Clare.
Natasha James.

Face oil for combination skin

I (Erin) have combination skin, and if you’re anything like me, my worst time of year is from now until the end of spring. My dry parts (along the jaw line and neck) are dry and itchy and prone to break outs while my oily parts (my t-zone) are more oily and red. Not a good look.

Thankfully these days, I don’t really seem to get the big breakouts any more. I used myself as one of the guinea pigs for our original facial cleansing range and, although I still get a few hormonal spots, I don't suffer from the constant breakouts along my jawline and neck. I use our cleanser, toner and moisturiser twice daily, and use the scrub when needed.

But as soon as this time of year hits, I can feel the dry itchiness start and have to make sure I absolutely never skip cleansing and moisturising.

As we mentioned a few weeks ago, we have been developing some face oils. I am delighted to announce that they are my new favourite thing!

I have been testing one for “problem” skin. I recently stopped breastfeeding and my hormones have been a tad haywire. I've had a few spots and I especially noticed how oily my forehead and nose were. We had formulated a blend to balance this kind of oily/dry combination and clean up spots that pop up, and I have been testing this out for a few weeks.

I was a little skeptical at first and thought I would only use the oil at night as an extra moisture treatment ..... but I liked it so much that I decided to give it a go through the day too, and I LOVE using it under make-up! What I hate most about wearing make-up is how greasy and itchy it feels after a few hours. I found using the face oil under make-up practically eliminates this feeling. So much so, I’d forget I had make-up on and not need to wash my face the minute I walk in the door as I usually do!

As our skin changes from week to week, I am using two different oils. I use the more antiseptic one when my skin looks a bit average or I have a few spots and on the other days, I use a general balancing blend to sooth and moisturise. It feels awesome to come home after a busy day, smooth your oil on after your shower - you can literally feel your skin relax and soak up the goodness!

For those of you breaking out now, try adding a face oil to your routine. You won't regret it! Our range of face oils are now available on the website . Be sure to contact us so we can make your formulation just for you.